Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Festival of Trees
Monday, November 29, 2010
No Heartbreaking This Christmas!
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Thanksgiving 2010
Friday, November 26, 2010
First Snow
Sunday, November 7, 2010
The Story of Nolan
This is the story of how Nolan got his name. It was Mother's Day 2008 and we had just found that I was pregnant. That night I had a dream I was in the hospital and I could see my baby very clearly. He had just a little bit of dark curly hair and looked exactly like Pat. We were loading him up to go home and I asked Pat if he had Taylor's blanket, then I woke up. I told Pat it was a epiphany (I was pregnant and a little dramatic) and that I knew it would be a boy and we would name him Taylor. Pat immediately dismissed the name saying it was a girl's name. We agreed to disagree on that one and to wait to find out the baby's sex before we started naming him.
But I knew all along he was a boy. When everyone said girl, the Chinese gender predictor said girl and all the other voodoo nonsense said girl I knew they were wrong. It came as no surprise to me when sure enough at our 4 month ultrasound they told us it was a boy. I'll never forget my sister's response when I told her the good news, "what are you going to do with a penis?" She was convinced it was a girl!
This is when the list started. Instead of fighting over names for the next 5 months, Pat and I decided to each make a list and we would decide when we met him. In the beginning, we came up with some serious doozies! Pat wanted to name him Bass for a few weeks...as in the guitar! I liked more traditional names like Brendan, which Pat called uninspired.
The closer to the due date we got the longer the list grew until the end of December when we took a serious look at the list and cleaned it out. It was suddenly real that there would be a baby who would be stuck with this name forever so we whittled it down to 6 names that we could both live with:
Zachary (we knew this would be the middle name)
Nolan was the last name added to the list as I found it on the recently published social security list of the 100 most popular names in 2008. It was number 98 which was perfect for us, we didn't want his name to be too popular where you had to go by Mike C. or something like that. Plus it fit all our other criteria - not a name of an ex, couldn't be shortened, doesn't rhyme with any embarrassing words. Done!
Now his birth day is a little bit of a blur to me but after he was born he remained nameless for a few hours so we could get to know him better. I have no idea how long he was Baby Boy Clingman but in my hazy recollection of the naming conversation, it went like this:
Nurse - have you thought of a name?
Me - I think he looks like a Nolan.
Pat - Me too!
Me - Great! Nolan Zachary Clingman it is!
I might need to get Pat's input on this one as I think his memory of that day will be a little clearer. I still think back to that dream though and wonder if there still a baby Taylor in our future? I guess we will have to wait and see!