We got the opportunity to have the VIP experience for this year's Seafair Air Show. We've never been to Seafair but it's hard to miss when it's in town as the Blue Angels are hard to miss, especially when they practice right during Nolan's nap.
I figured Nolan would enjoy it since he loves all things transportation related right now. He needed a little bit of prep time since we would be so close to all the noise and action. I checked out all the plane books from our library. We recommend "I Love Planes," and "A is for Airplane" (shown below, a little advanced for him but had interesting plan history and facts with great illustrations that Nolan liked).
And ventured over to the Museum of Flight for a little noise desensitization.
He really enjoyed listening for the planes and watching them land and take off. Here he is pretending to be an airplane, he calls them vrooms.
We planned to go inside to see the helicopters and planes up close but Nolan we so happy out on the lawn by the airfield that we decided to save the museum for another day. A few days later it was the big day. We joined our friends, Rachelle, Jodi and Dobry and Heather and GF Annabella. It was quite the Lady and Babies party!
Thank you Heather for thinking to grab the headphone/earmuff things, we definitely needed them! Dobry even fell asleep with his on, with all the excitement going on around him. Jodi is one lucky momma!
The planes flew right over the house, so close we joked that even we could throw a rock and hit them. My regular camera died but I did get a couple of shots with my iPhone.
Not a bad way to see the show!