Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Springtime at the Fair

Yaya took Nolan and I to the Puyallup Spring Fair again this year. You might remember that Nolan was finally tall enough to ride some of the rides at the Fall Fair when we went so he was pretty stoked to go back. 
There were of course lots of animals like this bunny.
 And this super cute baby goose.
 But Nolan was all about the rides.

 I know he looks stone faced in these, but he was having a great time. He would run from one ride to the other, and since the lines were short he often got to jump right on.
You can definitely see his excitement here before the roller coaster started. He called this one the train track ride and was super stoked when I told him he was big enough to give it a try. Although, I secretly hoped he wasn't.
During the ride, he wasn't so smiley. He ended up loving it and begged to go back but was a little freaked out while he was on it.
It's thrilling to watch him experience all these new things but I'll admit I was a little scared too. I tried to mask it so he wouldn't get anxious but every time the ride started I held my breath hoping he wouldn't be scared, or worse get hurt. Luckily there were no injuries this day, only a few tears when it came time to leave. Next year he will be even taller and able to go on even bigger rides. Hopefully I will have found my mommy courage by then.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Easter Madness

Easter was a little crazy this year. It started off with some Easter animal painting. 

Of course we had to dye eggs as well.
 We had a practice egg hunt at Lincoln Park.

 Note that 80% of his basket was green eggs. I had to convince him that he was allowed to pick up any eggs he found, not just the green ones.
 Digging through his loot.
 The Easter bunny dropped off his basket the next day filled with even more goodies.
 And then we were off to Bellingham for the real deal egg hunt.

It was a busy weekend, but made me really excited for Christmas this year. I think Nolan is finally getting into this holiday thing.