The moment we've been waiting LONG time for has arrived! Nolan started Kindergarten. This is why we moved from our beloved city, it is actually happening! I don't know who was more excited, me or Nolan. I'll admit I was definitely more nervous. There is A LOT to remember, fill out, and do before they let your kid start school. I was terrified that I had forgot something and they would send him back with a big DENIED stamp. So far so good, no huge mistakes.
In a completely well intentioned way, I took Nolan to get his hair cut last weekend. Somehow a little off the sides became this:
Oh well, we bought some hair gel and made it work. Thank goodness that boys hair grows ridiculously fast.
I had a super cute outfit all picked out for his big day and then Pat and my sister forbade me to let him wear a tie. Boo! So this outfit was my plan b since it was the shirt I originally wanted him to wear, just unbuttoned and no tie.
Good call after all since every other student in his class was wearing some character tee or sweatshirt. Things have definitely changed since the days of wearing your Sunday shoes on the first day. Oh well, I don't mind him being the overdressed one, it is after all a special occasion.
This is his "Are we all done?" pose. I guess so, it was off to school.
They have the Kinders line up and wait as everyone gets off the bus, Nolan was happy to entertain the crowd.
Then it was off to their classroom. :(
I yelled out to him that I love him and to have a good day and you can see how sad he was to leave me in the photo below. He's the one with his hand up waving goodbye without even turning around. So heartfelt!
The hardest part was when Miles started calling out for Nolan as he walked to his classroom. I don't know what that little guy without his ring leader. Spoiler: He played with all of Nolan's toys, jumped on the trampoline without getting pushed over and ate snack with out sharing...pretty much he has been in paradise. But I did get a little bit of a lumpy throat watching him walk away. I know he will do great, we are only on day 2 and he's in love. I can't wait to see what all he learns, it's just hard to let go.
And because I can't let any transition happen without thoroughly documenting it, I got right on this years questionnaire. This picture was taken after school (and after a celebratory ice cream stop) so he was feeling especially good/goofy. He declared he wanted to pose like an explorer. So here he is Kindergarten Explorer Nolan:
And just for reference, last year's version (same rock). I'm pretty sure some sort of time traveling took place in the last year because the above version Nolan looks about 15 years older. Seriously! Some fun changes though in his answers, including a new favorite color!!