Thursday, May 21, 2015

Trip to the Farm

Miles and I ventured down to our neighborhood farm on one of the first sunny days of spring. I thought he would love it because he was obsessed with the chickens (or bock bocks as Miles liked to call them). He fell for this lovable little bunny who patiently put up with Miles petting. 

He was tolerated the corn bin.

Although he had way more fun climbing in and out of it rather than actually playing with the corn. 

This little pony was easy to love and Miles seem to be a fan.

I think they bonded over their equally large appetites. The horse nearly broke the fence to get to a little patch of new grass. So Miles picked it to feed to him.

Kittens!! who couldn't love that. Miles enjoyed these guys quite a bit.

This is where things got complicated. He liked LOOKING at the animals but as soon as they made noise he was over it. Which is why he liked the smaller/silent animals it seems. This parrot was one of his many enemies of the day.

The beautiful white peacock was amazing but it's repeating call was way too much for Miles. Lucky for us, the peacock decided to follow us around for most of the day and yell at it. It was great.

We finally found the chicken coup and I thought this would totally be his thing. But the roosters were crowing and he wouldn't even go in.

Same deal with the sheep pen. They were so cute but Miles would quiver with each Bah and yell "No that! No that!" while hiding his face in my jacket. So he is probably not going to be a future farmer.

We ended the day on a high note though with the baby chicks. These ones were just the right amount of noise.