Saturday, January 31, 2009

Nolan Gets Political

Seriously, we did not pose this one, he did it on his own. We're so proud!

Where has the time gone?

When I was pregnant, everyone told me how slowly the time goes by when your first at home with the baby. This must be wrong as I am in complete shock that Nolan will be 3 weeks old on Monday. So much has changed in the last few weeks. He is a PRO at the breastfeeding thing where 2 weeks ago we were feeding him with a syringe. He is awake and "talking" for long periods of time (video coming soon) instead of sleeping ALL the time. He has gained 2 pounds since he was born...did i mention he was a great eater? PLUS he is such a good natured baby, I feel so incredibly fortunate that the only time we hear him cry is when he is hungry or wants to be cuddled. I can spend an entire day just hanging out with him, cuddling, cooing and singing, thus making our days just fly by before i notice that i haven't showered, eaten, drank anything or even used the restroom. I'm working on all of that! So here is Nolan as of yesterday, talking with YaYa who was up for a visit.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

More Nolan

A few more pictures.First Bath EVER
My very patient delivery nurse and Nolan
Going home!
Nolan the Bear

First bath at home

Thursday, January 15, 2009


After months of anticipation, 3 weeks of contractions and a 2.5 hour delivery Nolan Zachary Clingman arrived on Monday, January 12 at 3:21 am. He weighed 8 pounds 8 ounces, 20.5 inches long and perfect in everyway.
His arrival came as a huge surprise to us (and the medical staff) as we had planned to start the induction process around 7:00 am on Monday morning. Sunday night we were admitted and I was given some medicine to prepare for the induction and an ambien to help me sleep. At 1:00am i woke up to my water breaking and we got started. I got in the jacuzzi tub and relaxed through the contractions, did my breathing exercises just as i was taught and thought "hey i can do this!" After a little while in the tub they decided to pull me out so they could get the monitor on. As i stepped out of the tub i began to shake uncontrollably. I remembered from Emily's labor that this meant i was in transition. I thought, "WOW I'm making great time!" and the nurse assured me that we would have a dinner time baby. I walked from the bathroom to the bed and this is when things got serious. Suddenly i was in pain, and i mean real pain. I turned to the nurse, demanding that she do something about this, my coping mechanisms were out the door. I collapsed on the bed begging for them to give me something. They decided to check me and to everyone's surprise, i was completely dilated.

Since i was the only person on the floor delivering that day, and we weren't expected to get started until later, the doctor had gone home. The entire nursing staff rushed in to deliver. Luckily, the doctor only lived 2 minutes from the hospital and sure enough made it in time to catch me pushing. 6 pushed later, Nolan was here.

Pat was amazingly calm through all of this, and was amazed at how quickly he arrived. For a man that said he was going to stay up by my head the whole time, he really got into it, holding my legs and cutting the umbilical cord.
I am still in shock that it happened this way, but in the end we got exactly what we asked for. I was able to go all natural, use my relaxation techniques and he even has curly hair. I wouldn't change a thing.

So here is our new family. We couldn't be happier.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

The End is Near!

I had my weekly doctors appointment on Friday and they informed me that my body was starting to show signs of stress from the pregnancy and that the baby would need to come out sooner then later. So they let me come home and try a bunch of natural induction methods with the plan that is none of them work i will head into Labor and Delivery on Sunday night with a Monday morning induction. I was so relieved to hear that this was almost over as i could tell my body was just not tolerating the pregnancy as well as it once had. Eating, sleeping and moving around had become very difficult so my patience was running out! When i got home though i realized that have a pitocin induced birth meant throwing away most of my birth plan (no medicine, lots of movement to control pain, etc). So I'm trying everything to get this going before our appointment tomorrow. I have tried a bunch of things today with no luck with the plan to start taking Castor oil tomorrow morning as a last resort. Keep your fingers crossed that all these attempts combined with the full moon tonight that something will work. The great news is regardless of how labor starts, there will be a baby by Monday. It's crazy to think he is almost here! I will post pictures as soon as i can so keep checking the blog next week. We'll finally get to see who he looks like...and hopefully he will come home with a name!

As requested, one last belly shot. This picture as taken on our way to the hospital.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

STILL waiting!

Here we are in 2009 and still no baby! i really didn't think i would go this long and had it in my head that he would be here in 2008 but nope, he has other plans. My doctor is always the optimist and assures me that it will be any day now but i'm convinced that we are going to have to force him out. It is definitely getting tough waiting around for something to happen especially when you throw in contractions but i'm trying to enjoy these last few days (or weeks) of the pregnancy and am very grateful that he is healthy and happy in his little world. Fortunately there is a light at the end of the tunnel. He will be here by January 21 as they will not let me go a week past my due date. Keep your fingers crossed that he decides it is time before the doctor does so we don't have to do much intervention. Who knows, maybe this time next week he will be here and we will be home...we'll see!