I had my weekly doctors appointment on Friday and they informed me that my body was starting to show signs of stress from the pregnancy and that the baby would need to come out sooner then later. So they let me come home and try a bunch of natural induction methods with the plan that is none of them work i will head into Labor and Delivery on Sunday night with a Monday morning induction. I was so relieved to hear that this was almost over as i could tell my body was just not tolerating the pregnancy as well as it once had. Eating, sleeping and moving around had become very difficult so my patience was running out! When i got home though i realized that have a pitocin induced birth meant throwing away most of my birth plan (no medicine, lots of movement to control pain, etc). So I'm trying everything to get this going before our appointment tomorrow. I have tried a bunch of things today with no luck with the plan to start taking Castor oil tomorrow morning as a last resort. Keep your fingers crossed that all these attempts combined with the full moon tonight that something will work. The great news is regardless of how labor starts, there will be a baby by Monday. It's crazy to think he is almost here! I will post pictures as soon as i can so keep checking the blog next week. We'll finally get to see who he looks like...and hopefully he will come home with a name!
As requested, one last belly shot. This picture as taken on our way to the hospital.
Let's see one last picture of that belly!!!
evan and i are thinking of you three!
I second Emily-one last belly shot!! You'll never remember or believe how big you truly were!!
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