Monday, April 13, 2009

Arts & Crafts

YaYa came for a visit this weekend so I decided to push my shopping luck and head out for a day of errands. We went to Michael's for some painting supplies for Pat T. so that he can paint some pictures for a naked walls. While there I was pressured into making a spring time wreath instead of buying one.
I hate my own crafts as my perfectionist side rears it's ugly head and i am always dissatisfied with the end result. But YaYa assured me we would make it look great. We brought home our supplies and got started. Everyone got in on the fun!
I kept injuring myself with the hot glue gun so I let YaYa take over while I attempted to do an artistic spread of Nolan...
It didn't quite turn out as I had planned. Luckily our wreath did and is now hung proudly on my door.

1 comment:

elisabeth said...

your wreath looks totally william-sonoma! way to go meg! just dried flowers on a square wreath frame?