Thursday, May 14, 2009

4 Month Appointment

Nolan turned 4 months old on Tuesday and with that came a doctor's appointment this afternoon! He now weighs 14 1/2 pounds which is 2 pounds more then he was at his 2 month appointment and keeps him at the 50th percentile. He measured 26 3/4 inches which is about an inch and a half longer then he was at 2 months and puts him at the 95th percentile. And finally his head measured in at 44cm which is in the 95th percentile. This means we have a baby with the proportions of a long toothpick with an orange on it and makes me think that Giada De Laurentiis is his real mother.

1 comment:

Cam and Emily said...

Uhoh! Looks like the hospital mixed up babies again! :)
Ask yourself this: does he smile in a disproportionate amount to the size of his face?
Does he spontaneously break into Italian?
Does he love gelato? Amaretto? Parmeseano-Regianno?

If the answers to those questions are yes, you're screwed!