Monday, October 12, 2009

Pumpkin Patch!

Pat and I have always done Halloween pumpkins, even when we were poor college kids we managed to save up enough to buy one and this year is no exception. We loaded up Nolan and headed down to the Carlito (or something like that) brothers farm in Kent. Evidently everyone else thought the same thing as that place was CROWDED!! Luckily it was a giant farm with tons of perfect pumpkins.I wasn't sure how Nolan would like his first pumpkin patch experience. Usually he likes anything that has a lot of people, so maybe the crowds were a good thing. He loved it of course and was squealing with delight, here is an action shot of that...He was very patient with me as was Pat since my main focus was not on finding the perfect carving pumpkin but the best photo ops! Another cute one...
We did eventually find our pumpkin soul mates and checked out, here is Nolan with our finds, and his little baby stripped pumpkin that he had a death grip on.It was a good day, I can't wait for next year when he is old enough to go on the hay ride or get lost in the corn maze. So much to look forward to, but I'm pretty sure Nolan is going to love Halloween!


Anonymous said...

Oh, CUTE! You guys are such an adorable family.

elisabeth said...

adorable pictures! thanks for sharing, meg.