Sunday, November 22, 2009

The Bootie Scoot

One thing I've learned about Nolan so far is that he does things his own way. It might not be the most normal or even easiest way to do something but it's Nolan's way and it works for him.
Case in point, crawling. There are hundreds of ways to crawl, most involve being on all fours. But this little boy has hated tummy time all along and avoids that position at all costs. So when it came time to work on crawling I got a little concerned when he was showing no signs of mobility. Then one day the scooting started. I figured eventually this scoot would turn into a crawl but it's looking like this might be it since he is now working on pre-walking things like pulling himself up to stand. After much encouragement to try to get this on video, i started carrying the camera around with me everywhere to capture this milestone. Video is difficult since he has learned to stop everything he is doing and pose when the camera comes out. But here is some choppy proof of the scoot. The first few seconds show Nolan's classic scoot that Pat and I call the "sick dog". The second half is his more advanced version that I will call "the worm" for obvious reasons. So here it is, Nolan's scoot:


Anonymous said...

What a goof! Definitely looks like it works best on the hardwoods.

mama said...

That is so cute!!! I love it!

Jamiepdx said...

This just made me laugh so hard, that Nolan is one cute kid!