Thursday, February 25, 2010

More Maui

Along for the spontaneous adventure to Maui, my mom (Yaya), granny (Gigi), and Aunt Carolyn (who has yet to come up with a ridiculous nickname) tagged along to soak up some sun and scenery. They did all the fun sightseeing things Maui has to offer while Pat and I sunbathed on beaches, but we did take them up on their offer to take Nolan so that we could do some of our own sightseeing sans baby.
They sent me pictures of their day with our little man, and i think he might have had more fun with them! First there were mirror tricks, which one is the real Nolan!
I'm told in this last one that he was yelling at the other baby because he didn't want to share his hinge. I guess it's time to learn about sharing, even if it is with your reflection.
Then it was off to the beach, they took him to the conveniently named Baby Beach because it's mellow surf is perfect for small kids. He swam with Aunt Carolyn, something this little guy loves to do! I think it was those swimming lessons at 6 months finally paying off. As soon as his feet touch water he is kicking away as I'm sure Aunt Carolyn learned fairly quickly.
Then it was deep conversations with Yaya.
Rounding out their day at the beach with a some more beach scooting.
Taking a quick nap with Gigi.
Many people have asked me how we were able to vacation with Nolan and not pack his entire nursery. Well Maui has 3 baby rental services so at our condo we had a full size crib set up in the second bedroom, but I think it was all about improvising as seen here. Anything can be high chair, a lap ,the floor, or in this case a very contemporary end table. Don't ask me how my mom can sit like that, I was not blessed with her flexibility genes!
Also impressive is this improvised crib on the couch. I have gotten Nolan to sleep with me maybe 3 times so I was very surprised that he slept a full night in this position. I hope Yaya was able to get some sleep too!
Thanks ladies for watching Nolan and sending along these pics! It looks like he had a great time.

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