Nolan has learned so much in the last month I'm sure I'm going to leave something out. But here are a few things that Nolan has been perfecting.
He babbles all the time, I think he's telling himself stories because he cracks himself up. He is definitely a talker and I love that he is. He can correctly identify Mama and Dada, although Dada is the only one that he yells at in very high decibels...teehee. He can say hi, bye, yeah, shake his head no, diddy (kitty), nana (banana), and last night i swear i heard him say night night.
He has 8 teeth (2 molars popped up last week). This would explain the extreme fussiness the last few weeks and the frequent night wakings, which are wildly out of character for my little sleeper. Hopefully his teeth will give him and us a bit of a break before the next set come in.
After just 2 physical therapy sessions for a weak midsection, he has gone from a fairly mobile 1 year old to a very active toddler. He is pulling himself up to stand on everything, cruising around on all the furniture, scooting around at lightning speeds and sitting up from any position (the milestone he was most behind). He has even started crawling in a "traditional" way, something that i thought i would never see my boy do and i will hopefully get on video very soon. The crawl is very illusive, as soon as he notices that he is being watched he sits back down and scoots. Who knows maybe he secretly has been crawling all along?
He has gotten through his first stomach flu and cold in the same month(an achievement for us too), and he graciously shared both with me.
I can't wait to see what he does next, but am enjoying this time before he learns to walk as I know those quiet moments will grow fewer and farther between.
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