Saturday, July 31, 2010

Arts & Crafts

I love to craft, I hope to pass this love onto Nolan. So the second that I found out that 18 month olds can actually start understanding and enjoying crafts I jumped on it. We started out with some dyed shaving cream finger painting...messy but fun! He thought the shaving cream was a snack, my mistake for putting him in his high chair to do craft time. But he figured out pretty quick that this snack was way more fun to paint with.
This was the aftermath, I didn't get a shot of the wall but I'm sure you can imagine. The house smelled like shaving cream for days!
We then moved on to the less messy marker art project. I had been trying to get Nolan to color for months, I bought him special triangular "toddler" crayons but he likes to throw them more then color. I thought maybe markers might do the trick, if i can keep them out of his mouth!
Success! Note the binky blocking any potential marker tasting, my plan worked! This was our first day with markers so there wasn't a lot of actually coloring getting done. I've learned that Nolan really likes to explore something fully before he experiments with it. But the next time the markers came out, he knew just what to do. He drew this little piece of art.
Swoon! I'm so proud! How soon until he can get on that sewing machine?

1 comment:

elisabeth said...

I hope he starts sewing quickly, Meg. I could really use a seamstress (tailor?) to help with a few projects up here. Nothin' like child labor!