Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Staying Cool

Nolan has hit a new phase in his toddler hood that has been a bit challenging. He still sleeps like a champ (phew!), flirts with strangers and loves playing with big kids, but his new skills of running away from me in public places, climbing onto high furniture, and whining when I stop him from doing these things keeps us home more than either of us would like.
Luckily I have a few tricks up my sleeve to keep us entertained while we work on learning new toddler manners. Last week when it was crazy hot I made Nolan a water table out of our party bucket and measuring cups. He loved it!
It didn't take him long to figure out that jumping into the tub was the fastest way to cool off. So clothes and all he went in!
Of course he loved drinking the water too, he does the same thing in the bath.
Oh how i hope this phase passes before summer is over so that we can go have fun!

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