Monday, September 20, 2010


I recognize that it's been far too long since my last post and I'm sorry! We are all doing great, Nolan is growing like crazy and learning new things every day! This weekend he learned to cheer while watching football, although we have to teach him to only cheer for our team, he would cheer whenever the crowd would.
He also learned to sign eat, I am not at all surprised that all the words he knows how to sign are related to eating but learning please, thank you and sorry just haven't caught on.
He also learned to do a somersault somewhat by accident. I sometimes do yoga at home and he like to mimic some of the moves I do. He went into downward facing dog and flipped right over, now he tries to do it all the time.
Last week he started swim lessons, and boy does this kid love water. He was trying to squirm out of my hands to swim on his own but i just don't think he's ready for that. But he did volunteer to demonstrate the flutter kick to the rest of his class (I swear he raised his hand and everything). I don't know how this kid got so brave! He learned to float on his back, which took a little struggling at first but once he noticed the flags on the ceiling it was all he wanted to do for the rest of the class. It melts my heart as backstroke was my favorite style and he is well on his way to following in my footsteps.
Regretfully I don't have any photos or video of this. I've been slacking on my documentation duties! There is a good reason for that as I've been busy getting Spot On Events off the ground. If you haven't done so already check out the Spot On Events website here. There is blog there that features event tips, ideas and advice. Let me know what you think!
Here are a few random pictures of Nolan being adorable this last week.
Trying on Daddy's glasses...
I went downstairs to switch some laundry over and this is what I found on my return. Cortez was not too happy about being forced off of his bed. I guess I'll have to find a new place for this table.

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