Friday, February 25, 2011

iPhone Photos

I was playing on my phone the other day and realized I had some really good photos that I wasn't sharing here because I originally didn't think the images were "blog worthy". I've had a change of heart as these images are from our everyday occurrences and I want to document them just in case anything happened to my phone.
I almost always have my phone on or near me so when something adorable happens it's the quickest way to document the occasion. Unfortunately, the camera function isn't great (horrible in low light and no option to zoom in) but I'll just have to look past that. Here are a few of our everyday occurrences via my beloved iPhone. Some are repeats from Facebook, sorry about that!
This boy loves to wash his hands, almost to obsessive levels.
We recently found our bubble machine while cleaning out a closet, best invention ever!
This is Kendall, she hangs out with us a few days a week. Nolan likes to tell everyone to be quiet when she is over, including the cats.
Baby proofing is ineffective in this house, he just sees it as a challenge.
I rarely get him dressed in the mornings, we change diapers and then hang out in his room as we both slowly wake up. I'm so grateful that we have such similar morning habits.
I love taking pictures of him when he's freaking out.
Playing with his personalized puzzle from Christmas. I still can't find that dang O!
Proof that he loves his veggies. He ate that entire bag of raw veggies in one day. Now if only I could get him to eat an apple!
I got Nolan a piggy bank so we would finally have a place to put all our loose change. Best $10 I've spent in a long time. Now whenever he finds a coin he runs to his room with it. Plus I can sneak dump it out in the bowl and he has an activity to distract him for a good 45 minutes. Love you piggy bank!
Neither of them knew I was took this picture but I love how serious they both were reading a book with no words.
Swoon, I am going to encourage this type of behavior a lot in the next few years. He already loves to vacuum so mopping was next in line.
Again, I love these father son moments. They are so amazingly similar.
Not abnormal behavior here. It would be weird to go a day without asking Nolan to get off the cat. Cortez hasn't ran away or put up much of a fight yet so it can't be too bad.
Someone broke into my desk and stuck fancy post it notes all over his head. Adorable but I really liked those post it notes! Hopefully iPhone will generously send me a new upgraded phone with fancy camera capabilities, until then I will just swoon over my blurry photos.

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