Nolan is definitely a boy. When I found out we were having a boy I imagined a gentle cuddly guy with an adventurous streak. The perfect combination of Pat and I. Some days he is more Pat.
Like when he drinks out of puddles,
whenever he finds them.
Or when I find live snails in his mouth.
Or when rough housing leads to fat lips.
He's slowly coming around to cuddling too but most days he is 100% Nolan. Like when he insists on wearing Annabella's hair clip and then pouts the whole time he's wearing it.
Or I find him in his crib shirtless and wearing a fedora. I'll take credit for the temporary tattoo on his chest but the rest is mind boggling. I have concluded that there is either a ghost that lives in his room and sneaks him toys and such or he is hiding things in his crib before nap time. Either is possible.
Insisting that he have his favorite night night blanket while he goes potty.
Or the way he shields his eyes from the sun but looks like he is saluting.
He's such a silly guy, we have really enjoyed watching him interpret his world and invent his own language. I'll have to do a separate post on our favorite Nolan -isms.