Wednesday, February 29, 2012


Wow, almost 2 months since my last post...sorry about that! It's not out of lack of going on, in fact I blame the exact opposite problem. It seems like as soon as January hit we were scrambling to get things done. We were juggling so many projects that I think we are just now able to take a breath, hence my ability to finally sit down and blog. I guess I should start off where I left off, or maybe a little before that.

In early December we found out about this. I'll have to type up a separate post on how i found out and how I told Pat as it's a pretty good story.
Kind of a surprise as we had just decided that the time seemed right to have another baby in the house and poof it happened. We were super excited to spread the good news when I started having complications. My hormone levels weren't right, I wasn't feeling right and it just wasn't looking very good. Luckily my Dr was able to intervene and probably saved the pregnancy by putting me on some extra hormones since my body wasn't making them. They told us I would have to keep taking the hormones through the first trimester, then at 12 weeks take a leap of faith and go off them hoping for the best. Scary right?

I followed the directions given to me even though the pills made me super sleepy (their other use is as a sedative), crazy hormonal and pretty yucky feeling all around. I went off of them and waited. After the longest 2 weeks of my life I finally had my follow up appointment to see how things were looking. They looked great and we were finally able to share our news on my birthday. Now I'm 16 weeks, or 4 months pregnant (official due date is August 14) and was able to hear the heartbeat yesterday for the 3rd time. And in another 3 weeks we will find out who has been given us all this trouble!
Along with all that "excitement" we have had many other things happening around here to keep us busy. For most of the month of January we were preparing to move out of our cottage. Pat found us a great little rental property in West Seattle that would give us this space we need now that we're adding a 4th (or 6th if you count the cats) member of the family. We were really hoping to find a property to purchase and move into but there wasn't much on the market that fit our needs so we figured we can rent for a while and save some more $$ for a bigger house down the road. We moved in the end of January and are still working on getting settled. I promise a picture tour once I'm able to unpack or at least hide the remaining boxes.
Nolan's big transition in the new house was that when he came home (he was staying with Yaya while we were moving) he had a big boy bed set up. We had prepared him for a few weeks for this transition so it wasn't too rough. We had one rough night where he kept coming out of his room but after that he was back to his regular sleepy kid routine. It's pretty funny to see what he has gathered into his bed when he gets up in the morning or what position he has fallen asleep in. On this particular morning Nolan was straddling the 5 blankets he had in his bed, along with the 2 pillows, 8 cars, 5 books and a ball. Pat said he's found him a few times sleeping on the floor with his bed full of toys. I think we have an early hoarder on our hands! We don't really care what he needs, as long as he keeps sleeping 12-14 hours at night.
The new house has all kinds of things too keep us entertained including a huge park right down the street where Nolan can feed the ducks, play on a jungle gym and run out all his energy. But the most reliable source of entertainment has been the chickens next door. There are 12 hens and 1 rooster that are a great distraction for Nolan and the cats. Our landlord warned us that they sometimes get out and so far it's only happened once. They were pretty easy to wrangle back to their pen but I was pooped out from laughing so hard. The picture above is of the great escape after I cornered them in the little alleyway between our house and their yard.

Then in mid February I once again planned the WestSide Baby Tea. This is my biggest event of the year, and this one was the biggest one ever. With 530 attendees and raising $175,000 it was a record breaker in many ways and I couldn't be more proud to be a part of it. Unfortunately, I didn't get any pictures as I was crazy busy orchestrating everything and staying hydrated. But West Seattle Blog was there and wore a great article about it. You can check that out here. I'm hoping to have the professional pictures soon.
After this event I of course got my post event cold and took the whole house down with me this time...sorry boys! Now that we're starting to feel better I decided it was time to dive into my biggest challenge yet, potty training! Nolan isn't super motivated to learn but I signed him up for preschool starting in the Fall and he has to be potty trained by then. The countdown is on so I picked him up a pack of training underwear (they have extra padding to help contain accidents but feel and look like regular underwear) that he's been wearing during the day. Today was day three and we finally had some success with keeping the underwear dry and went pee in the potty twice. I'm hoping we can keep this momentum up as I would be one happy mama to only have Nolan out of diapers by the time this next one makes it appearance. I'm getting ahead of myself...
Anywho, those are the reasons I've been unable to blog. I hope you can forgive me?

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