Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Nolan Anecdote

Nolan's Self Portrait
Last week, on the way home from the library, I was pulled over by the police. I didn't know why at the time but figured he had an excuse...maybe a taillight had gone out? Turns out he thought I was talking on my phone even though I 100% was not. My phone was actually in my purse under my seat. I showed him my call records indicating that I hadn't made a phone call all day and showed him my headset for if I absolutely have to talk on the phone while in the car. His response "I know what I saw." ugh...jackass! I mean I am 14 months pregnant with a toddler in tow, I don't need anymore distractions while in the car. Luckily (for him because I would've raised holy hormonal hell if he tried to write me a ticket) he let me off with a "warning" and sent us on our way.
Nolan was excellent the entire time we were pulled over, despite the fact that I was growing more and more flustered with the police officer and trying not to get sassy. As we pulled away Nolan looked up from the book he was reading and said "Phew, that was a close one!" and continued reading. He has an amazing way of making me laugh just when I need it.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Gentleman in Training

Nolan is turning into quite the gentleman. I'd like to take credit for this but it seems in his nature to want to be helpful...lately. His favorite helpful things are opening doors for people and (trying) to help me up off the floor. It's pretty entertaining to see a 30 pound toddler try to lift a...I'm not saying my weight so I'll just say very pregnant mom off the floor. He really puts a lot of effort into it and although I could do without the grunting and over dramatic "swipe the sweat off the brow" move, the gesture is very sweet.

His other favorites are telling people bless you after they have sneezed. He does it to EVERYONE and will continue to say it until you say thank you. Easy enough when it's a person, not so simple when it's Cortez who has sneezed.

I wish this new helpful nature applied to bathroom behaviors like realizing it's not actually funny to aim your pee at the wall instead of the toilet or promptly jumping into mom and dad's bed after going poop but before wiping.

Baby steps.

The Happenings

Mama's point of view 6/18
I have been horrible keeping up the pregnancy documentation piece of this blog. I guess it's mostly because nothing out of the ordinary has happened and we continue to steam ahead. I am now 32 weeks pregnant, just 2 months left!

This pregnancy has been so entirely different from my first. When I was pregnant with Nolan I had this feeling that our lives were about to completely change and with this pregnancy everything seems normal...I guess it's because I know what to expect? A friend told me that this feeling comes from the fact that during the first pregnancy you get to be the princess, but the second one there is no time for all that. That is no joke! I thought being a stay at home would make this pregnancy easier and in a lot of ways it has (napping at 1pm definitely wasn't allowed in my office but is a needed part of my life now) but trying to keep up and stay patient with Nolan while feeling huge and exhausted is...tough. Luckily Nolan is a pretty adaptable guy and has been very patient with me when I take forever to get out of bed in the morning or can't quite muster the energy to chase him around the park. I'm doing my best and I hope that once this baby is born I will get a little bit more energy...wishful thinking?

Almost exactly to the day that I entered the 3rd trimester, my not so fun symptoms kicked in. Heartburn is definitely a daily/mostly nightly struggle as well as the usual aches and pains of carrying around an extra person full time. Sleep has become more difficult as well. 
My sleep pattern looks something like this: 
11:00pm - go to bed, toss and turn.
12:00am - start to doze off but suddenly wake up realizing I have to pee. Once back in bed, now I'm thirsty/hungry so I get up to grab water and some almonds.
1:00am - water causes heartburn so I have to get up to grab tums. 
2:00am - up to pee again. 
2:30am - toss and turn until I find a comfortable position in the middle of a billion pillows 
3:00am - exhausted I finally fall asleep.
I guess this is the best training for the newborn days of no sleep.

The biggest difference between the 2 pregnancies is how I'm carrying them. Nolan was super low from the beginning making walking, bending and sitting somewhat challenging. This one is curled up high in my ribs making eating, breathing and laying down pretty hard. The great thing about having him up high is that I get to feel all his movements much clearer. When he has hiccups I know, when he stretches...I know. Another difference is that Nolan was pretty quiet during the day and would be full of action at night. This one is on a much easier routine already, waking up around 8am and waking off and on throughout the day until about 10pm. I have my fingers and toes crossed that this will be his schedule when he comes out so we don't have another nocturnal newborn on our hands.

Other then the general 3rd trimester complaints I have had fun sharing this adventure with Nolan. I have brought Nolan to every one of my appointments and as a result he is very hands on with everything. He now knows how to work a doppler machine to find the baby's heart beat, has held my hand through quite a few blood draws and even got to see the babies heart pumping at our last ultrasound. He is pretty impressed by all of it and finally acknowledged that he is having a baby brother at our last appointment, up until now it's always been baby sister. Pat's been doing pretty good too, even though he can't make it to many of the appointments he has been a great neck and foot massager and almost never pouts when I ask him move out of the "comfy spot" on the couch. 

Hopefully that is enough documentation to hold you over for a little while. I have a follow up ultrasound in 2 weeks to check on the guy which means...more pictures! This time he will actually look like a baby though and not some big headed alien thing, or at least I hope not. :)