Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Nolan Anecdote

Nolan's Self Portrait
Last week, on the way home from the library, I was pulled over by the police. I didn't know why at the time but figured he had an excuse...maybe a taillight had gone out? Turns out he thought I was talking on my phone even though I 100% was not. My phone was actually in my purse under my seat. I showed him my call records indicating that I hadn't made a phone call all day and showed him my headset for if I absolutely have to talk on the phone while in the car. His response "I know what I saw." ugh...jackass! I mean I am 14 months pregnant with a toddler in tow, I don't need anymore distractions while in the car. Luckily (for him because I would've raised holy hormonal hell if he tried to write me a ticket) he let me off with a "warning" and sent us on our way.
Nolan was excellent the entire time we were pulled over, despite the fact that I was growing more and more flustered with the police officer and trying not to get sassy. As we pulled away Nolan looked up from the book he was reading and said "Phew, that was a close one!" and continued reading. He has an amazing way of making me laugh just when I need it.

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