Monday, November 12, 2012

Halloween 2012

Halloween was a big deal for us this year. Last year Nolan went trick or treating for the first time ever (see his cowboy adventure here) so this year we decided to step it up and not only trick or treat in the Junction but also do the traditional door to door trick or treating. 

First off was the Junction festival the weekend before Halloween. So off we went, the train conductor, the baby from the hangover (which then turned into what looked like a smurf costume since he couldn't wear the sunglasses) and a lion (I let Nolan pick my costume this year).

He was super excited to get started since he knew trick or treating = candy. But first we had to wait in line to have our picture taken. A local photographer was offering free professional photos so I had to make that happen. Nolan waited somewhat patiently. 

It was finally time to get started and Nolan was off. 

We met up with Princess/Butterfly Annabella as well.

It was super crowded so we weren't able to do as much as we were hoping but the kids had fun and it was great practice for the real deal a few days later.

Nolan's first house. We told him to say Go Huskies! instead of trick or treat. I'm pretty sure he got some extra candy for that. 
He loved getting to knock on all those doors and he did a great job, even with the scary houses. That was until we ended up at this really decked out house. They had giant inflatable ghosts, bats and mummys all over their yard. We told Nolan we didn't have to go there but he forged ahead, walked right up to the door. The final straw was an animatronic zombie thing with glowing red eyes that popped up as soon as hit got to the door. He turned around wide eyed and ran back to us declaring that he was all done. The owner of this house was handing out entire gift bags full of vampire teeth, spider rings, stickers and full sized Snickers...score! Nolan still says that Trick or Treating is too spooky but he also asks when he can do it again, so I don't think too much damage was done. 

Other Halloween related randomness.


Miles is in love with his Brother. Whenever Nolan gets close he is mesmerized by his every move. Luckily the feeling is mutual.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Fall Recital

Yep, mine is the nose picker. Although they seemed to all take a turn at that.
When we signed Nolan up at school. The first thing I noticed on the calendar was a Fall recital scheduled for October 31. I was ecstatic because I LOVED singing in the school recitals. I still remember one where I dressed up as a tulip...or was it a daisy? Either way, I loved it and couldn't wait for Nolan to experience it as well. 

It was just as amazing as I had imagined it...I may have even cried a little bit (or maybe a lot). I loved watching Nolan up on stage but it made him suddenly look so grown up (apart from the nose picking). I can't believe how quickly this parenting thing makes life fly by. Where is the pause button?!


We skipped the pumpkin patch this year. I just wasn't feeling up to dealing with the mud and the crowds. Instead we drove to a produce stand down the street. Not quite as thrilling but it got the job done.

Nolan insists on wearing that hat everywhere. He's even sleeping with it.
Nolan loved to pick out Miles size pumpkins and would set his selection down in his carrier.
This one was my favorite, which is why it came home with us, along with some regular sized pumpkins as well.
I tried to do a little pumpkin photo shoot but Miles was not cooperating.
I did get this funny one of him sneezing.
Back to the pumpkins. These are Pat's and Nolan's finished pumpkins and a preview of mine.





I don't think it looked so bad in the during stage but when Pat saw it he vetoed that haircut. It was short on the side and back but long in the front....areverse mullet! So Nolan had his head shaved 2 days before picture day. It's growing in nicely already but was pretty severe considering his hair before was so beautiful. Thank goodness it grows back!

Nolan's school picture 2012