Thursday, November 10, 2011

Trick or Treating: Cowboy Style

We met up with our friend Bella (aka Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz) and did our very first Trick or Treating Halloween. The business district in our neighborhood did a day time trick or treating the Saturday before Halloween. Perfect for first timers!
He was pretty antsy to get things going, here he is waiting for dad and ignoring my posing requests.
We finally we get there, and my camera dies...this was the last picture we got. I'm dressed as a pirate. Pat was dressed as a dad that would rather be watching football.
Thank goodness for iPhones! Here are the cowboy and Dorothy previewing their loot.
They did pretty good considering this was their first time and the streets were really really crowded. I guess kids learn pretty quickly when candy is involved.
We let Nolan eat whatever he wanted while we were out. When we got home it was straight to bed to sleep the sugar off. When he woke up his candy had magically disappeared! He never asked for it though so it all worked out.

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