Like true Northwesterners, Yaya, Gigi, and the Clingmans ventured our way to the Puyallup Spring Fair, despite the heavy rain. First stop was to see the dancing horses. We had no idea what that was about but the horses literally dance to live band. We were all very impressed.
Yaya and Nolan watching the Dancing Horses. |
Next up was the cattle barns. Nolan was super excited to see the cows so when we asked him if he wanted to milk one he jumped at the chance. This is a fake cow used for demonstrations, Nolan didn't mind until he realized that it wasn't milk coming out but water. He was pretty disappointed and later when I was telling Pat about Nolan milking a cow Nolan corrected me and said "It was just water...I watered the cow". You can't fool him anymore!
Milking Mabel the "cow" he kept asking when the milk would come out. |
We couldn't ignore that there was a monster truck rally going on this weekend at the fair as they paraded the giant trucks through the fairgrounds, so when we heard they were offering rides on them we figured we would check it out. Nolan didn't ask to ride, which was good cause he was too small, he was happy just watching it go around and around the course.
Nolan and his favorite green monster truck (driven by a woman by the way). |
The only ride we went on was the carousel because it was covered from the rain. Nolan surprisingly chose to sit on the bench instead of one of the horses. It turns out he expected it to move just like the horses and was pretty disappointed that it didn't. When we got home the first thing he said was that he wanted to go back and ride on the horse instead.
A bummed out Nolan and very excited Gigi. This cracks me up! |
We ended on a high note though by watching the pig races last. Oh gosh those pigs are so cute! Nolan even got a pig nose to help cheer them on. He has not stopped talking about this and the monster trucks since yesterday.
A pre race picture through the crowd. |
Miles was there too but was covered under his stroller most of the time so he would stay dry. His favorite part was the cattle barns because he actually got to come out and see some of the sites. He did not enjoy the monster trucks as much as brother though. They decided to agree to disagree on that one.