Wednesday, April 24, 2013

More Randomness

Man, I have a ton of great stuff on the ole' iPhone, I really need to offload more frequently I guess.

What, you don't wear over sized sunglasses to the hardware store? Nolan does!

Daddy and Nolan asleep in his big boy bed. This bed is magic, everyone falls asleep in it....except Nolan. He sleeps great in it but getting him to stay in bed long enough to fall asleep is the challenge.
Our consignment sale splurge of the day was this piano that Miles fell in love with. Totally impractical, but totally adorable.

The boys jamming out on the new piano.
A little afternoon nap in the sun filled window.
Party in Miles' crib!
Cortez close up.

This guy loves to eat...just not bananas covered in wheat germ. :(
All those rolls! 
Unintentional matching, oops! I love my boys in orange though so it was bound to happen.

More time at the park.
Miles practicing is alligator rolls.

The park again, this time Nolan gets in the baby swing.

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