Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Wild Things

Pat has the week off of work so we've had a bit of a "stay cation" going this week. Yesterday we took the boys to the zoo (Miles' first visit ever). It also happened to be our 8th wedding anniversary and spending the day in the sun with our family was the perfect way to celebrate.

It was later pointed out that the 8th anniversary is brass, Nolan did his part to help us celebrate by posing with every single brass statue at the park. 

Doing his best hippo expression.

Komodo Dragon

We started to lose Nolan at the snow leopard exhibit. He woke up at 5am ready to get to the zoo so he was a little delusional by the end of the day. But he really wanted to see the bears so we trekked on.

We made it to the bear exhibit and all he cared about were these ducks sleeping by the window. He talked to them for quite a while.

Some more brass statue love.

He's come a long way since his last time at the zoo 2 years ago when he was afraid of all these statues.

Miles stayed awake the entire time, cheerfully looking around.

I love that my boy is still not too old to hold my hand. 

And of course the "on the way home photo". This time he barely made it out of the parking lot. 
My favorite part of the day was when we were sitting by the elephant exhibit eating our lunch when a crow came by and snatched Miles binky (it was in his parked, empty stroller while he was sitting on my lap, so he was not attacked by the crow). I jumped up to grab it and it flew off dropping the binky right on the edge of the elephant exhibit, just inside the fence. Pat decided we must have the binky so I covered Nolan's eyes while Pat jumped the fence and retrieved it. I didn't realize until later that I had a spare packed in his diaper bag...don't tell pat!

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