Sunday, June 23, 2013

Busy Day Part II: Mariners Game

After a very short post zoo nap, we washed the tiger face off Nolan (which had mostly come off due to extra slobbery cotton candy eating), put the boys in their Mariners gear and headed to Safeco for Miles' very first Mariners game.  
My boys were all pretty excited to be there. And I was super excited about the super great seats we had.
Hello Terrace level!

Did you know that when it's your first game, they give you a little certificate to commemorate the special occasion? We picked up Miles' certificate and they threw in a few baseball cards to get his collection started. Adorable!

This photo prompted me to start teaching about our fancy new camera. Luckily he's a fast learner and we won't miss out on post nursing crazy hair cuteness again.
This was the best (of many) family picture we got that night. Not the most flattering of Pat, sorry babe!

Busy Day Part I: Zoo Trip

We met my sister Emily and her kiddos, Clementine and Dutch, at the Woodland Park Zoo for our Annual kick off to Summer. We did not mean to dress the entire crew in turquoise but it happened...we're just that much in sync.
Checking the map before we get started. Fun fact: Clementine LOVES reading maps and was really good at getting us where we needed to be. Such a clever girl!
It wouldn't be a zoo trip without some pictures of kids on statues! Here's 3 to kick us off.

Yup, Nolan's over it.
The kids bravely checking out some GIANT snakes.
The babies were pretty happy watching from their strollers.
The penguin exhibit was the favorite this trip. They were feeding them when we were there so there was
plenty of action.
I love that chubby little arm! 
Clementine's Monkey resting on Miles.
When I saw the full face face painting booth I knew it had to happen. Nolan hasn't been interested before but I knew if Clementine got one he would want one too...good old peer pressure.
When they were done, I asked them to stand by the bushes so I could get a picture and this is how they posed.
So random!
Detail shot of my little tiger. 
And the pretty Princess. I really wanted one for myself too, but had to refrain.
This trip was extra special because we FINALLY found the petting zoo! 
One final family shot before we hit the road. The pressure was on to get these boys to sleep so that we could stay up late for Busy Day Part II.

To check out more pics of the kids and my sister's many attempts to photobomb me, go to her blog here.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

9 Months!

I better hurry up with this 9 month post as he will be 10 months next week! Here are 9 Miles fun facts to celebrate his 9 months with us. 

#1: He went from timid crawling to lightning bolt overnight. He can move super fast these days, especially if Mavis is within reach, there is food on the ground or if Nolan's toys are out. Tonight he pulled himself up to standing position so I know walking is right around the corner.

 #2: He is the jolliest baby I have ever met. Seriously! If you make eye contact with him he will grin from ear to ear, look away and when you meet eyes again it's like he hasn't seen you for weeks, even if its only been 15 seconds it's grinning and giggles all over again. He is just so happy to see you it melts my heart, even at 2 am and he SHOULD be sleeping.

 #3: He's not ALWAYS jolly. People that meet him think I have the most mellow baby ever. I've heard a lot of "does he ever cry?" and "he's so easy going!" but there are a number of things that make my jolly man scream like he's on fire. Changing his diaper, getting him dressed, putting him in his car seat, putting him down in his crib, removing bits of whatever that he has in his mouth that he is not supposed to have, and most of all the fact that I wear a shirt and that he has to wait 10 seconds for me to get set up to feed him. You should see that boy yell at seriously make me sweat.

 #4: He LOVES to eat! 95% of his food still comes from me but we have yet to find a solid food that he does not like. His favorites are steak, cottage cheese, broccoli, grapes, and frozen yogurt drops (I take plain Greek yogurt and put it in a plastic bag, cut the tip off and pipe it out into little dots bit enough for him to grab and put that in the freezer until solid- great when he was teething). He has an impressive pincher grasp already and can eat brown rice, grain by grain.

 #5: He takes after his brother in the sleeping department. He can sleep in his crib, he can sleep in a moving car and that is it. Every so often I can get him to sleep with me in bed but it's quite rare and neither of us get  must rest. I love seeing those kids who are zonked out on their parents shoulder, floppy and usually drooling. This is neither of my children. I can't complain too much though because the do sleep quite well when they are in their own rooms.

 #6:) He does NOT take after his brother in body type. That boy has some rolls! We just moved him into 12-18 month bottoms to accommodate those thighs.

#7: He sings. I call it his baby song and I love it. As soon as I can get it recorded I will as I want to save it forever. He does it to put himself to sleep most often but also when he's eating, playing and riding in the stroller. It's a mix of humming and low vocalizations that remind me of the ohm sound made during meditation. It is very peaceful and very adorable.

#8: He's chatty like his mom. Pat is a man of few words but I've always been a bit social so I'm going to assume this is from my side. I can't wait until he can really talk, Nolan will finally have someone who can keep up with him! Until then, it's just a lot of Mama, Dada, what sounds like bye bye and up. I'm shocked he hasn't started saying Nolan yet, that is by far the most used word in our house. 

 #9: He is super affectionate. He gives the sweetest hugs ever! He rests his head on you so gently and it turns me into a puddle every time. His kisses on the other hand are adorable but not quite as pleasant. They are usually accompanied with a slap to the face, nose grab or clawing at anything he can reach followed by an open mouth slobbery kiss. I'm working on teaching him how to be a little more gentle and not so wet but the gesture is very nice. He makes the cutest little noise though when he wants a kiss. Since he cant make the kissing sound he goes "mmmm-aah" and then dives for you.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Nolan Photos

Getting a picture of Nolan is getting to be more and more difficult. As soon as I get the camera out he's on the run, I feel like paparazzi chasing him around! I have figured out 2 ways to get him though: The most effective option is to ask him what should I shoot. It goes something like this: "Nolan I want to take your picture, what should I take a picture of today?"
Nolan's response, "I want to get really really close to the camera!"
"I want a picture of my car running into my train." 
"Mommy! Take my picture!" through snorts and laughs.
 In this set up he lets me click away until I tell him I got it.

The second option is to surprise attack him.
Click! This was taken right after he woke up. Miles and I were trying to get a few summery shots in the sun (you will see these pics soon I promise) when Nolan joined us for a post nap cuddle. I love that time each day, right before his energy kicks in again and he runs off.
Click! Nolan figured out that if he plays with his toys on top of the coffee table, Miles can't get to them. Am I happy that he is already not wanting to share with his brother? Nope! But it's pretty smart so I give it to him.
This second tactic is difficult because as soon as he hears the click he is off to hide. So I better have gotten it on my first try cause I don't get a second chance.

Dutch Turns 1!

My nephew Dutch turned 1 last month so we trekked it up to Birch Bay to celebrate.  We had so much fun watching all the kids play. There was a perfect mix of 3-5 year olds for Nolan and babies to early walkers for Miles. Everyone was entertained and I had cake, corn dogs and brownies so all was right in my world. 

DUtch was a pro at eating his first cake, I have never seen a baby dive right in before! By the end of it he (and his high chair) were caked ;)! Check out more pics at my sister's blog
Dutchie half way through his first cake experience.
Miles being festive. While taking this photo I had a strong feeling of deja vu.
Yup! Here's Nolan at 9 months old, at my sister's house celebrating Clementine's 2nd the same shirt!
I'm so predictable I guess.
The process of opening presents at kids parties always cracks me up (and sweat a little). It's always complete chaos but Dutchie and Emmie handled it like pros. By the way, this is the only picture of Nolan I got, and I took over 100, that boy was a busy bee: playing outside, running around and sneaking jelly beans out of the bowl.
Just one more of Miles cuddling with Gigi. All that present opening wore him out.!