Sunday, June 23, 2013

Busy Day Part II: Mariners Game

After a very short post zoo nap, we washed the tiger face off Nolan (which had mostly come off due to extra slobbery cotton candy eating), put the boys in their Mariners gear and headed to Safeco for Miles' very first Mariners game.  
My boys were all pretty excited to be there. And I was super excited about the super great seats we had.
Hello Terrace level!

Did you know that when it's your first game, they give you a little certificate to commemorate the special occasion? We picked up Miles' certificate and they threw in a few baseball cards to get his collection started. Adorable!

This photo prompted me to start teaching about our fancy new camera. Luckily he's a fast learner and we won't miss out on post nursing crazy hair cuteness again.
This was the best (of many) family picture we got that night. Not the most flattering of Pat, sorry babe!

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