Saturday, September 21, 2013

Miles turns 1

When we were on the beach in Port Townsend, Miles was nice enough to let me take hundreds of pictures of him frolicking in the sand. There was this big pile of stacked driftwood that he especially loved. I have been meaning to do a 1 year old portrait session, and still might. But until then, these pics will fill in.

 Miles sat still for a few pics and then he was off climbing around on the pile. He would get his leg stuck and just sit there, playing with the sand before moving on. He was very content to just explore. A nice alternative to him eating the sand.

Once he broke free of the pile he headed straight to water. How did I luck out with 2 beach loving babies?!

The sunlight was so beautiful and the kids were so content but they were up way past their bedtime and were wet and getting cold so we headed back for the cabin.

It was fun while it lasted! It wouldn't be a 1 year update without a Miles' fact sheet!

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