Friday, December 27, 2013

iPhone Offload: Too Much Good Stuff Edition

Nolan told me he had gotten dressed, apparently he didn't realize they were Miles' pjs.

Monkey toes!

Family football game.

I finally taught Nolan how to pop bubble wrap and now he is officially obsessed. Whenever a delivery comes in he asks if it has bubble wrap inside. It almost always doesn't...where has all the bubble wrap gone?

The boys are starting a bike gang. Don't they look tough?

I have a lot of photos like this on my phone. Miles cut 3 out of 4 of his molars this month and spends most evening yelling at my while I beg him to sleep. Only 1 more to go! 

Of course by morning he is all smiles and giggles.

I squeezed him into the sock monkey costume. Not a happy camper.

Nolan wearing his shark costume to school. I love how you can still see a bit of baby fat on his cheeks here.

Shark attack family!

Beautiful long lashes.

This was a facebook favorite! Nolan got into my bronzer and painted on a mustache. What wasn't discussed was his sweet inside out popped collar polo. He's going to be a fashion icon, I just know it!

Nolan's school had a field trip to the local fire station and Miles and I tagged along. I love that amongst all of his friends he chose to cuddle with Miles.

Pat and I celebrated our 11 year anniversary with a downtown Seattle date night. We had room service and saw okkerville river at the was lovely!

Another bright eyed and bushy tailed morning for Miles.

Playing with the x-tra large light bright at the children's museum. I need one of these at our house!

Also at the museum: seats you can strap your kids to so you can go to the bathroom! Why isn't this everywhere?! This should be a mandatory thing, what congress person do I need to call to make that happen?

Miles loving the ferry boat climbing toy.

Ok I didn't take this with my iphone but it was saved to it so that counts? This is Nolan's class picture, so cute!

Nolan has figured out that on those mornings that I don't get up quite as quickly as he likes that if he goes and wakes up Miles I will get up much faster. I think Miles and I were thinking the same thing this day: "why am I awake right now?" (note that he is wearing the pjs that Nolan wore in the first pic above, they're sharing clothes already!)

Another late night thanks to molars.

Miles' decorating the Christmas tree with his most treasured item.

Nolan's letter to Santa. Santa actually wrote back this year!

I took this picture as I ran toward him. It's only 1.5 feet off the ground but still not a fun fall.

Meeting the big guy.

5 dozen Gingerballs hand rolled and given out this Christmas. This is my favorite batch though, so festive!

The night before it snowed, Nolan and I met up with some friends to check out the Bellevue Garden D'Lights. Nolan wanted to touch them all.

The next morning: SNOW!

Note the stranded bus at the top of the hill, it had its chains on and everything. We still drove to school that day....take that city bus! :)

We started having family movie nights every Friday night and so far it's a huge hit for everyone. Pat and I get some quiet time with the kids after a long week, the kids get to watch a movie and Miles gets to eat popcorn.

Nolan really wanted this hat, but it was a little too much, even for me! 

Xmas eve cookies for Santa. Nolan wanted his to be a gingerbread man after reading Gingerbread Pirates. I think he was a little disappointed that Santa didn't turn this one into a pirate toy like he does in the book. Maybe next year?

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