Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Camp Clingman Pirate Week: Treasure Hunt

Today was the beginning of Pirate week. Last night we read a few of our new Pirate books, including Nolan's favorite book of all time Pirates love Underpants because he is OBSESSED with underwear right now (he thinks they are hilarious). Anyway, so along with reading about Pirates we did a Treasure hunt today and will do some smaller activities leading up to our trip on Friday for Rockaway Beach, Oregon where the Pirate Festival will be in full effect. It looks like it is quite the to do so Nolan is super pumped to meet some real pirates while there. 
This was taken right before I told Nolan that Ruby had dug up a treasure map (totally believable since she is in a big digging phase right now). It was my test shot but I like how it makes the map look so rugged.
 "What is this?....A Treasure map?!? It says to go to the garden!" I'm thankful that he knew just what to do, thank you Jake and the Neverland Pirates!
 At each stop was a piece of a pirate costume. Hidden in the Raspberries was his eye patch. Can you see it?

Next stop the bikes for some pirate bling.

 Third stop, the hot tub. This one required a bit of climbing.

The fourth stop was the trampoline where I had put 2 foam pirate swords right in the middle. I didn't take a single picture of this stop...weird!
 And finally the sandbox where an X of digging toys marked the spot.
 It's gold chocolate coins and ring pops.
He was pumped about each piece, checking out the pattern of beads on his bracelet, counting each coin, dividing them by size and practicing his pirate slang "drop the anchor, swab the decks, ARRRGH!" and asking me to be his First Matey, because finding the treasure makes him Captain. He's a goofball!
 Miles was taking a nap during our treasure hunt, he's just a little too little to enjoy this type of adventure, but he's been reading with us and I made sure to get him an extra hat and sword because if brother has one he must have one too.

Hopefully my next post will have lots of sunny beach pictures, our luck has been pretty bad this year and travel. No snow when we went up to the mountains and now it's supposed to be cold and rainy on the coast when it's been 70+ for the last month. We shall see!

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Camp Clingman Farm Week

Monday kicked off the first week of  Camp Clingman. Basically what happened is I missed the boat on getting Nolan signed up for Summer camps and they filled up almost immediately anyway so we are hanging together, all. Summer. long. In order for us not to go crazy I put together a Summer camp to keep us all busy (and keep me accountable to getting us out of the house on a daily basis). So far it's been up and down, Miles seems to be hitting his terrible 2s early and Nolan's new no school schedule is making him sleepy at weird times (i.e. opposite of Miles' nap time). Once we work out the kinks it should go a little smoother.

This week was Farm week so we started the week at the library to check out books about farm animals, farm dogs and how food gets from the farm to our plate. Followed by a trip to the Farmer's Market to sample local farm goods. Nolan talked to the vendors about how their product got to us. It wasn't quite as educational as I had hoped as many of the people there were just there to sell and not associated with the farms themselves. But Nolan got to chat up vendors and got lots of free samples for his efforts. Wednesday was a trip to the gym where the boys get to play with kiddos their age (and mommy gets a break, woohoo!). Today was a trip to a park in Bellevue that has a farm called Kelsey Creek Park. So cute, and just the right size for my dudes. I finally remembered to charge my camera last night so it tagged along on this trip!

And yes I did dress him as a cowboy specifically for this trip. As long as he lets me pick out his clothes, I will take advantage by making it extra cheesy!

I'm pretty sure Miles can speak hen, those girls were following him around everywhere!

Meanwhile, Nolan was making friends with the geese.

"Do you want to see my cow? It says MOOOOOOO!"

The grounds were so pretty and there was a perfect toddler sized playground to eat our lunch. A great day at the "farm" for all of us!
Tomorrow is another gym day, with a little break for me and a little pool time for all of us. Next week is Pirate week, I've got BIG plans for that including a backyard treasure hunt, pirate costumes and a surprise weekend on the Oregon coast where it just so happens to be the Pirate festival. They are going to love it!

Thursday, June 12, 2014

iPhone Video Offload

Nolan in action at his tball game.

Miles trying to avoid his nap time by having a mini freak out. 

iPhone Offload: Spring Edition

It's that time again to clean out my iPhone and all the memories that are kept on it. Prepare yourself for a bunch of randomness, late night Miles' selfies, and tball. You're welcome.

Working on his training wheel bike. So far he still prefers the balance bike, pedaling is just not his thing. 
Miles climbing into bed with Ruby. 
Our trip to the Lion King.
A closer look.

Nolan's posse while we waited in line to ride the monster truck.
Can you tell he's excited?

Lake Clingman...in the middle of our driveway!
The first load of gravel. 
Our ducks enjoying the last of Lake Clingman.
Gravel drop, round 2. We haven't had a ton of rain since but so far so good. 
I felt brave and took both kids out to breakfast by myself. It went so well!
Our wedding anniversary dinner with kids. 

Look who's finally using utensils.
Tball sunshine!
Late night selfie.
Mother's Day Tea
Surprise trip to the Beach.
Superman on the trampoline.
Going through Mom's donate pile.
Miles looks confused because he was playing basketball at Brother's tball game! 

Tugboat story time. 
More late night selfies. Someone got their 2 year old molars a little early...yay!
Slide + slip and slide = 3 hours of fun.
At Grandpa's Bday party with Cousin Sam, thanks uncle lee for the pic.