Thursday, June 12, 2014

iPhone Offload: Spring Edition

It's that time again to clean out my iPhone and all the memories that are kept on it. Prepare yourself for a bunch of randomness, late night Miles' selfies, and tball. You're welcome.

Working on his training wheel bike. So far he still prefers the balance bike, pedaling is just not his thing. 
Miles climbing into bed with Ruby. 
Our trip to the Lion King.
A closer look.

Nolan's posse while we waited in line to ride the monster truck.
Can you tell he's excited?

Lake the middle of our driveway!
The first load of gravel. 
Our ducks enjoying the last of Lake Clingman.
Gravel drop, round 2. We haven't had a ton of rain since but so far so good. 
I felt brave and took both kids out to breakfast by myself. It went so well!
Our wedding anniversary dinner with kids. 

Look who's finally using utensils.
Tball sunshine!
Late night selfie.
Mother's Day Tea
Surprise trip to the Beach.
Superman on the trampoline.
Going through Mom's donate pile.
Miles looks confused because he was playing basketball at Brother's tball game! 

Tugboat story time. 
More late night selfies. Someone got their 2 year old molars a little early...yay!
Slide + slip and slide = 3 hours of fun.
At Grandpa's Bday party with Cousin Sam, thanks uncle lee for the pic.

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