Wednesday, November 26, 2014


I have been lucky the last few years with my boys. They have spared me many of the regular motherhood experiences. For example, I've never been peed on while changing a diaper and we haven't had any broken bones or stitches.

But last night at dinner I experienced something I thought I never would. We were eating pasta with peas and pomegranate berries on the side. Nolan and I were talking about school when miles started fussing and pointing to his nose. I wiped it and figured we were good and then he shoved his finger up there and really started yelling. I asked pat if he saw him put anything up there, which he hadn't but started telling me about the many things his brothers used to shove up their noses.

I pushed around a little bit and sure enough out comes a pomegranate seed. Phew, crises averted! So I sit down to finish dinner. But miles starts fussing again and poking in his nose. So I take a look up there and didn't see anything but decided to close his other nostril just in case. Sure enough he breaths through his nostril and out pops a pea!! What was he doing over there?!

He was much more comfortable after that so I sat down again. But as soon as I did that he went to shove a pea up there AGAIN! I declared dinner was over at that point.

I did not take pictures of this're welcome.

Saturday, November 15, 2014

A Fall Day

Well, this happened today. 

It all started when Pat rented a leaf blower.

I asked him to make a giant pile for the boys to jump in...and maybe I'll take a few pictures. ;) (I ended up with 370)

Nolan knew just what to do and dove right in.

Miles was content standing on the edge and watching Nolan go nuts.

But sometimes it was just too much fun and he would throw a few too.


And when the kids had had their fill, Pat went back to work. Goodbye giant pile of leaves...until next year!

Friday, November 14, 2014

Just Because

Why not?

I feel like Miles is really starting to look like Pat these days, weird since he's been my mini me for so long. These two are definitely looking more alike though and still crazy, loud, dirty and sweet to each other.

More Nolanisms

So these aren't direct quotes like usual Nolanisms but just silly things that have been happening with him lately. I have to keep writing them down or I'll forget. I know there was another one but I over estimated my memory again and forgot it already, hopefully it pops back into my head so I can add it here.

On Tuesday Nolan didn't have school. But in true Nolan fashion  he got up super early anyway, because what fun is sleeping in? ( - said no one ever) But he was nice enough to let Miles and I sleep in which was lovely. When I came downstairs I immediately saw a bunch of our kitchen towels all over our kitchen counter and floor.
When i asked him what that was about he replied "I was trying to make you fresh squeezed juice." Oh so sweet, right?
"Out of what?" I asked. And he pointed to the now empty 5 pound box of clementines that I had bought the night before.
Follow up question, "What did you do with all the oranges?" and he points to the garbage can. I open it up and sure enough it was filled with chunks of clementine.
Still trying to make sense of it I asked, "What did you use to cut these?" very aware that he might have used a knife which would be terrifying. But he responded "My safety scissors!" I'm impressed now because those are almost impossible to cut with and I couldn't imagine trying to squeeze juice out of a clementine??!
Since I was still waking up I wasn't processing very quickly and just went to work cleaning up the stickiness all over the counters, cabinets and floor.
Then an hour later I thought of another question, "Did you get any juice?"
Huge smiling face "YEP!"
"Where is it?"
Smiling face gone as he looks down, "I drank it."
That's right!

Last week you met Nolan's new bff Corbin (he was the other ninja) and this week it's Colette who is Corbin's older sister. She is just the sweetest little 2nd grader ever! I don't know any other kid that would so graciously play with her younger sibling and his friends...I know MY sister didn't do that...ahem, EMILY!
Here's Nolan and Colette at the Pumpkin patch a few weeks ago.

Corbin was over this week and his dad and sister came to pick him up the kids ran off to play pretend school. Colette was the teacher and they made lists of what plants need and don't need to stay alive. On the list of needs: water, air and dirt. That all checks out. On the don't need list: dirty underwear, toots and burps. I guess that's factually correct? 
The next day on the bus, Nolan got this little book made by Colette. It's my new favorite read.

Sorry the pictures are so small, click on it and it should get bigger. 

Here's what it says.
Page 1: Nolan was a sweet kid. Every time I left his house he gave me a sticker. Nolan is saying  "pick one!" and Colette is saying "this one!"
Page 2: He talks in a sweet voice. Nolan: "Colette can we play this?" Colette: "YES!"
Page 3: When I asked for some paper please he would show me where they are. Colette: "Where are the papers?" Nolan "Follow me Colette!" She even drew our baby gate on the bottom of the stairs. :)
Page 4: But what's best about him is he's a great, nice, giving, awesome kid!


Swooning, how can you not love that? It's already gone in his keepsake files. I will try my hardest to not nerd out on this and imagine their promises.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Halloween: The Big Night

We had a great Halloween this year. Not only did Miles get into it for the first time but we went out trick or treating with Nolan's bff Corbin and Family plus met up with some more friends along the way. It felt great to feel part of the community and let the kids experience Halloween the way I remember it.

Miles first house he went to had so many stairs. The big kids were long gone by the time he got his treat but he didn't care. He would go to a house get some candy then sit back in his stroller and eat it. When it was gone he'd get back up and get some more (skipping many houses in between). It was adorable and he loved it!

Big night for ninjas this year. Here is Black, Green and White ninja protecting the neighborhood.

He took his job seriously!

Sorry butterfly, no time to chat!

This is his buddy Corbin, they are in the same kindergarten class, ride the bus together (although have been separated by the bus driver for the rest of the year for wrestling) and lives right down the road. They make the cutest twosome.

With the neighborhood protected they walked home hand in hand.

And when they got back they went through their candy together. They wanted to have exactly the same stuff so if one had something and the other didn't they would try to find another one in their pail and give it to them. It was the cutest thing ever (after 2 ninjas holding hands of course).

Miles continued to work his way through his bucket.

And checking out Nolan's haul.

Miles kept disappearing and we weren't sure why. Then I realized he had found the bowl of candy for the trick or treaters and was working his way through that too. Luckily he couldn't get through the wrappers but a number of them had bites taken out. That's my boy! :)


Last week Nolan lost his first tooth! After we carved pumpkins we were having a Halloween themed dance party to get the wiggles out before bed and the boys decided to wrestle instead of dance (in this instance the boys consisted of just Nolan and Miles). They were rolling around Miles bonked his head on Nolan's mouth. I thought for sure Miles would be the injured party here but instead Nolan was the screamer. I saw blood in his mouth and knew right away that he had lost at least 1 of his 4 currently loose teeth. It was one of his lower front teeth this time and knocked the one next to it super loose too but its still intact. 

He was crying because this tooth wasn't the wiggliest of the 4 so he must of really hit with some force. Plus all the blood and a hole in his mouth freaked him out a bit.

He didn't like having the second tooth so loose so I recruited Pat to pull it out. Neither of them were very excited to do it so they left it alone.

Still upset about his hole he declared that he was going to buy a robot with his tooth fairy money (We might of built up the tooth fairy a bit).

All ready for bed! He went right to sleep that night leaving the tooth fairy plenty of time to write a letter congratulating him on his very first tooth, whip up a special fairy glittered $5 bill and spread a little fairy dust around his room. He was very pleased when he woke up!