Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Halloween: The Big Night

We had a great Halloween this year. Not only did Miles get into it for the first time but we went out trick or treating with Nolan's bff Corbin and Family plus met up with some more friends along the way. It felt great to feel part of the community and let the kids experience Halloween the way I remember it.

Miles first house he went to had so many stairs. The big kids were long gone by the time he got his treat but he didn't care. He would go to a house get some candy then sit back in his stroller and eat it. When it was gone he'd get back up and get some more (skipping many houses in between). It was adorable and he loved it!

Big night for ninjas this year. Here is Black, Green and White ninja protecting the neighborhood.

He took his job seriously!

Sorry butterfly, no time to chat!

This is his buddy Corbin, they are in the same kindergarten class, ride the bus together (although have been separated by the bus driver for the rest of the year for wrestling) and lives right down the road. They make the cutest twosome.

With the neighborhood protected they walked home hand in hand.

And when they got back they went through their candy together. They wanted to have exactly the same stuff so if one had something and the other didn't they would try to find another one in their pail and give it to them. It was the cutest thing ever (after 2 ninjas holding hands of course).

Miles continued to work his way through his bucket.

And checking out Nolan's haul.

Miles kept disappearing and we weren't sure why. Then I realized he had found the bowl of candy for the trick or treaters and was working his way through that too. Luckily he couldn't get through the wrappers but a number of them had bites taken out. That's my boy! :)

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