Tuesday, September 1, 2015

1st Grade!!

Today was Nolan's first day of 1st grade! He's officially a grade schooler and he is so pumped. He said he's excited because he gets another recess everyday and can sit anywhere on the bus (except the very back because that's where the big kids sit).

He woke up ready to go this morning and couldn't stop smiling. Until I brought my camera out of course. :)

He's experienced at the first day of school picture now and chose a few backdrops. Including the same one from last year. 

This was my favorite picture because it makes my crazy mom heart swoon to see his stuffed dog, Zappit peeking out from his backpack.

 This was Nolan's favorite so I told him I'd post both. I love that he likes to get involved on these blog posts. Maybe one day he'll guest blog on here?

The answers were pretty similar to last year. He added some new favorite colors, a new future job and some new songs and tv shows. I especially love that he used smart as one of his descriptive words this year. I didn't add any of my own answers there because I agreed with his self description. So proud of my little grade schooler!

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