Friday, October 23, 2015


Yesterday we made not one but two trips to the pumpkin patch. First up was a trip with Miles' preschool class.

Frolicking with friends.

Visiting with the locals.

Searching for the perfect pumpkin.
We found it!
Once Pat and Nolan got home it was off again for our family trip to the field.

Gone are the days of getting decent pictures of these two. Sigh, they'll start cooperating again someday right?!?! Here is Nolan's fake smile and Miles' scowl.

Here's a slightly more believable fake smile from Nolan and the I'm not opening my eyes look for Miles.

They sure are sweet though, makes up for the photogenic issues.

"Mom take our picture of us pretending to be dogs hiding behind this tree!" Miles didn't get the message. 

Bouncing it out.

WE told the boys they can ride the train by themselves but they have to hold onto each other. They took this very seriously. 

More bouncing.

One last attempt at a decent close!

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