Monday, December 14, 2015


We finally got around to taking Miles to the Seattle Aquarium. He hasn't been before (Nolan has gone at least 5 times!) so we figured it was time. We went on a late Friday evening and had the place practically to ourselves!

Grumpy scuba diver and wolf eel!

It is getting to be more and more difficult to get a decent picture of Miles. It's usually blurry or he's looking away, these are the best I could get from this busy 3 year old.

Nolan found the one shark in the whole tank and it was a DOG shark. This blew his mind, as dogs and sharks are his 2 favorite animals. He watched this one for a long time!

The octopus put on quite a show, expanding his legs, swimming around and checking us out through the glass. 

Our first trip with both kids was a huge success! We'll be back again soon. 

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