Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Cabin in the Woods

Ever since Nolan was born Pat has been telling him this story about getting in the car and driving up to the mountains and staying in a cabin by a river...well he found it. I'm not much for seclusion or mountains...too Friday the 13th for me, but I stepped out of my comfort zone since I know this was important to Pat. So we packed up, drove to a little cabin in the woods by Stevens Pass and sure enough it was right on a river and no neighbors in sight!
Of course like the making of any good horror film, there was no cell phone reception up there, which turned out to be great because we were finally pulled away from our iPhone and into relaxation mode. The first night we took a family nap together, Pat grilled up some dinner and we soaked in the hot tub overlooking the river.
Daddy Time

Mommy TimeThe next day I took some 6 month portraits of Nolan, here were just a few stand outs.

Later that day we decided to go for a hike through Deception Falls...so beautiful!
Since we were almost there anyway, we drove over the pass and into Leavenworth for dinner. I hadn't ever been there so I was excited to see someplace new. I thought it was super charming, Nolan liked all the polka music!
We left on the third day and I was very grateful to make it out alive. Just kidding, I really enjoyed myself up there and might even say I am Mountain tolerant...the beach will always be my #1. Pat had a great time in his dream vacation spot and Nolan was silently in awe the entire time. All in all it was a great vacation!
Oh and did I mention it was Big Foot Country?
Good times!


Anonymous said...

Six months??!! I'm sorry, but did you say 6 month portraits? What the hell!!??

The Clingmans said...

I know! It's crazy to me too! I'm still processing that I was pregnant...time is flying by! We should get together! I'm on vacation all this week so am open anytime!