Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Sweet Potaters

We finally were able to give Nolan his very first taste of real food. He has been waiting for weeks, observing us eat our dinner and learning exactly what to do. I was prepared for him to be a pro at this but I was still in shock!

He knew just how to hold his spoon...

Look at him eyeballing that food. He's saying "MMMMM!"

Things got a little messy but he did a great job. he probably would have eaten the entire jar if I was patient enough to feed it to him. Instead he got just a few bites and some more at dinner time. But we can check Sweet Potatoes on list of Nolan's favorite things.

Afterward we cleaned him off and I snapped this adorable picture of him...doesn't he just look content?


Anonymous said...

I cannot get over how big his eyes are! He's growing into such a handsome little guy! I need to come visit you guys soon.

How about a walk in Lincoln Park or Alki or something? And then maybe some mommy time refreshment to follow?

elisabeth said...

yes, meg. that last picture is quite sweet.