Friday, April 16, 2010

Busy Week

I have recently found myself unemployed. This will be the first time that i have not been working since Nolan was born (except the 6 weeks of maternity leave). I was fortunate enough to work from home the last year and bring Nolan into the office with me when needed. This worked perfectly for us, since i could keep him with me and still bring in an income. Despite this perfect set up, the older Nolan got the more i realized that he needed more socialization and interaction with his outside world. Good old mommy guilt would kick in when I couldn't take him to the library story time or on little adventures.
When i was laid off I decided to make the most of this situation and do all the things i wished i could do when i was working. So everyday I have adventures planned for us, even if it's just working out in the yard or running errands. I make everything as fun and interactive for him as possible.
This week we finally got into the swing of things and stayed extra busy. On Monday we met up with some friends from our PEPs group at the aquarium. It was almost empty, there was plenty of parking and the babies were able to enjoy toddling around in there. These daytime adventures are way easier then trying to fight crowds on the weekends! Here is Nolan with his PEPs friends, Lauren and Henry.
Here is Nolan at the tropical fish tank, he was mesmerized by this grey fish.
And of course, the regular mommy and Nolan pic.

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