Tuesday, April 6, 2010


We haven't been up to much lately, but i guess it's been a while since my last update so here are some pics of the last few weeks.
There is a park at the end of our block that has all sorts of fun toys that Nolan does not like to play on, what he does love is the sandbox. He just scoots laps in there, picking up all the rocks and trying to eat them.
Nolan's new quirks are that he wants to share everything with everyone. If I'm feeding him, he wants to feed me. If he takes a drink of water, he wants me to too. I of course just pretend drink which cracks him up even more.
He also has been interested in "helping" mommy clean up by removing all his diapers from the bag. It actually has been helpful during the times when i want to clean out his diaper bag or my purse. I just plop the bag in front of him and he takes out every piece of clothing and every last crumb from the bag. We will start working on putting things back this week.
Then this weekend for Easter we put together quite the basket for Nolan. He got all kinds of new toys. Snap beads, a bubble gun (that actually works really well) sidewalk chalk, crayons and beach toys. We are totally set up for summer!
He really enjoyed this holiday, he went through each toy one by one and really enjoyed playing with each one...not just the box it came in.
So there you go, this is what we have been up to lately...like i said not a whole lot!! We'll work on that though.

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