My creative energy has come alive in the last few weeks. I blame this on my new addiction to the All Things Thrifty and Etsy websites. I have spent many hours on these sites admiring what people have created or recreated to make into something fabulous.
All that time admiring other's creations inspired me to make a few things of my own. It started when my friend Jodi asked me to make her an apron that she can wear while she is pregnant (baby due in early august) and that she can also wear it after she's not so pregnant. This is a challenge as most aprons go straight across your waist and if you haven't been around a very pregnant person, there isn't much of a waist to be found. So i designed a pattern with this in mind, something that would accommodate a belly, but lie flat when the belly is gone. My mom saved the day and helped me take my design and concept to actual apron and did all of the "advanced" sewing for me, but i did all the detail and basic sewing. I loved how it turned out and it looked especially cute on Miss Jodi who also loved it. Here she is modeling it for me.

After I completed that I moved on to a wreath for our door. I needed a break from sewing
as my fingers were sore from being poked and handling the rough material. I fell in love with a wreath made out of sea glass on a beach cottage website (sorry i can't find it again to link it) and figured i could pull that off. Lucky for me my mom and granny had quite the beach glass collections and were willing to hand them down to me so i could give this a try. I was worried i wouldn't have enough but surprisingly this wreath doesn't take all that much glass and I had a ton left over. It was a quick and therapeutic art project as I sat there with my hot glue gun and buckets of glass. I was able to finish it within one of Nolan's naps and i only suffered 2nd degree burns on two of my fingers, bonus!
I think next time I'll leave off the brown glass as that made it look more like a recycling project then beach glass but it's still pretty cute.
I just picked up the fabric i needed for my sister's apron so it's back to sewing. But that will have to wait a few weeks because we're going on vacation! First to Ocean Shores for the 4th of July and then on to Bend, Oregon for a family wedding. Stay posted for pics and stories from our adventures.