It has been brought to my attention that my last post was a bit melancholy. No need to worry about me, I am not going though a blue period I promise! Although this Seattle weather is zapping my energy, ugh! I guess this is the problem with blogging, tone can be misinterpreted.
Just for clarification, I am quite comfortable in my mommy-dom these days. I won't lie, I have my moments of impatience and confusion (what do you do when your toddler won't hold still for a diaper change?) but I am feeling very optimistic. I mean this doubt thing isn't new for me. When he was younger I was worrying about is he pooping enough? How much spit up is too much spit up? If I bring him out into the gross germ-y world and he gets sick will I ever forgive myself? I just didn't blog about it, and I kind of wish I had.
I guess what I'm trying to say is that I want this blog to capture all my experiences as a parent, good and bad, doubts and celebrations. So one day I can look back and realize all these ups and downs are part of the journey. Hopefully it will remind me that whatever we are dealing with at that time will soon be forgotten. Sorry to cause any of you concern!
I guess what I'm trying to say is that I want this blog to capture all my experiences as a parent, good and bad, doubts and celebrations. So one day I can look back and realize all these ups and downs are part of the journey. Hopefully it will remind me that whatever we are dealing with at that time will soon be forgotten. Sorry to cause any of you concern!
And because no post should be without a picture, here you go. A picture of Nolan from almost one year ago. He was so chunky back then!
Megan, I was really impressed with the honesty you showed in your last post, actually. I know how confident you are as a parent--as I've told you before, who else would make themselves and their toddler available to help someone move!? I wouldn't have even asked anyone but you, because it's clear that you are so at ease as a mom. To me, being able to admit any insecurities you have about parenting or Nolan and his progress is a reflection of this confidence. I know that you absolutely trust yourself and your baby to get through these things and I'm glad you use your blog as a forum to show us the range of thoughts/emotions/experiences you guys face as parents. Kudos to you.
ps--that photo is ridiculously cute.
love, love, love reading your trials and tribulations. you are such a great mamma!
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