Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Game Reserve

We left our lovely lake for a day trip over to the Sequim Game reserve. It's a park where you stay in the car and drive around very slowly amongst the animals. I guess this place is where Disney used to film their animal movies or something as many of the animals were trained to do "tricks"
This bear would wave hi, another one would stand up on it's back paws, another would growl and look all tough. This guy was my favorite, he was also the biggest.
We also got to see zebras VERY close up. No zoom lens needed here, it was right outside our window.
There was also a petting zoo with a llama and goats and such. Nolan just wanted to play in their little house.
They also had an aquarium with salmon and trout swimming around. When Nolan says Fishy it sounds like Vicky, we saw lots of Vickies that day.
In the end I think Nolan's favorite part was riding up front and holding the map, but he looked up a few times to enjoy the scenery.

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