Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Port Townsend

Next stop was lunch in Port Townsend, my home away from home growing up. Our entire family used to get together here every Summer for 2 weeks of camping bliss. We got to stay up late, eat smores every night and play with our cousins for endless hours. My favorite memories usually can be tracked back to this little town. Luckily since it's one of those places that time stands still those memories are safe and I can't wait to share them with Nolan as he gets older. Of course this isn't Nolan's first trip over there. We stayed a few days here back when he was just 6 months old, he had such a great time playing with his cousin Clementine and exploring the town!
First stop was Waterfront Pizza for lunch. I have eaten way too much of this pizza in my lifetime so it was great to see Nolan enjoy it as much as I do.
This fickle eater ate an entire piece on his own, which is no small task.
Next stop was Elevated Ice Cream, another place we spent much of our time. He enjoyed his cookies and cream ice cream but preferred my swiss orange chocolate chip.
We weren't able to stay long as it was getting close to nap time but we did drive around town a bit before heading to the Lake. I told my stories for each landmark and was amazed how much came back to me. I really hope Nolan will be so lucky to have a memory time capsule like Port Townsend.

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