Friday, July 5, 2013

4th of July in Pictures...and Backwards.

For some reason Blogger uploaded my pictures in reverse. I don't have time to fix it and I don't think that it matters anyways so here we are, 4th of July.
I discovered that my camera can take pictures of fireworks. These are just the ones my Landlord set off that go off right over our house. Pretty awesome that we don't have to leave home for a gorgeous display.

Watching the neighborhood show from our front lawn.
The neighbors setting off fireworks in their driveway.

We picked up a few PG fireworks to set off. The last time we tried this did not go too well. This time was better, although the kids still thought it was pretty intense. 

Nolan break dancing after a group of break dancers passed by.
My boys all in a row.
Miles did pretty good considering this was his first parade. He was cool with the marching bands, cheerleaders and car horns but did NOT like the fire engine siren. 

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