Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Cooling Off

It's been crazy hot around here lately. Not 120 degrees like vegas but still too warm for these Washingtonians. This is how we've been staying cool.
Lots of indoor time next to our AC. It only cools down 2 rooms but that's better than nothing! This is Nolan's car wash, one of 2 things he builds with these blocks (the other is an airport). 

Driving (with the AC cranked) to get ice cream.
Hanging out at the beach, this was at low tide.
Both the boys have this crazy idea that when it gets hot is the time to cuddle. Here's Pat and Nolan sweating it out. 
And doing a little rough housing.
Or we go to Yaya's house, she has central AC in her whole house! So refreshing! We attempted to go to the Kite Festival near her house but didn't last long. It was just too hot out there. 
Even on the water. 

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