Tuesday, February 11, 2014


What a treat it was that it snowed over a weekend! We were all home, although Pat was still recovering form the flu, but we made the most of it!
Nolan ate snow...shocker!

Ruby decided she did like snow after all! When I took her out in it on Saturday night she was acting quite diva-ish, not wanting to step in it. When she saw the kids running around in it though she was all over it. 

I'm pretty excited that I actually got some pics of her since my camera still doesn't seem to want to focus on her. The snow was a perfect reflector though.

There was a whole lot of sledding going on too.

Nolan was showing Miles how you can run and slide on the snow.

It was a big hit! So cute, runny nose and all!

Trying to sneak one more bite of snow before it turned to slush.

I hope we get a few more snow days as that was too much fun!

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