Monday, January 19, 2015

Birthday Day

Nolan's actual birthday was on a monday this year. To celebrate, the 4 of us went to the top of the Columbia tower, Nolan's favorite building in Seattle, to see the sites.
Um, is he turning 16 or what?!?

We lucked out with a very clear day after a rainy weekend. It was really beautiful up there. Totally worth the headache inducing elevator ride up 73 floors.

Nolan liked seeing the different color cars, city buses and construction sites from way up high. 
"Look mom! We're even taller than the Space Needle!"
This is when I lost him to a bag of pretzels. He was ready to move on!
Miles was enjoying standing on the ledge looking down. But I think it made Pat very nervous. I figured they probably built the glass thick enough to hold a 2 year old. ;)
We stuck around to see the sun set on Nolan's 5th year with us. And then went home to celebrate his 6th year with ice cream cake!

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