Monday, January 19, 2015

iPhone offload: Pat's phone!!

Pat recently upgraded his phone and during that process he decided to finally offload the pictures he's been hoarding on there for 5 years!!! I didn't even think he took pictures but there they were, all 204 of them. Granted that is what I take in a weekend on my phone but I was still surprised. These photos go back...way back!

This guy just turned 6 and this is the first time I've seen this pic!

His first time on Uncle Balls' boat.

His first camping trip.
Bella was there too! Don't they look so happy?! 
2nd or 3rd time on Uncle Balls' boat!
Little giggly Miles.
Hiking selfie!

More hiking.
More camping.

There were a lot of blurry Nolan pics, proving that it's not just me who struggles to get this guy to hold still. Plus there was a lot of Cortez and random woodsy outdoor scenes. It's so interesting to see what he chose to take pictures of! Keep it up Bunny!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Oh, Nolan was such a sweet baby! How great to get to see those pics!